Film: No Visitation
Genre: Comedy, Coming of Age
Synopsis: A young man, already on thin ice with his dorm's rules, risks expulsion to spend a night with his girlfriend. However, strict visitation policies threaten their plans. With time ticking away, he must rely on his dormmates to help him orchestrate an escape before the Resident Advisor catches them. As tensions rise and the consequences loom, the group races against the clock to ensure the couple's clandestine rendezvous remains undetected.
Film: Beginning Of Summer
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Coming Of Age
Synopsis: A tight-knit group of friends navigates the threshold of adulthood as summer kicks off. Amidst romantic turmoil and the promise of new opportunities, they reflect on their personal growth and aspirations for the future. As they grapple with the complexities of relationships and the excitement of what lies ahead, they discover that the beginning of summer marks not just a season, but a profound journey of self-discovery and possibility.